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Specialised Family Violence Service - Katherine

Services are tailored to the needs of each family and include; men's violence programs, children's group and counselling.

Family Support Service (FSS) - Tennant Creek

Families will be supported to care and take responsibility for their children so that children remain with their families. Help is provided to increase families' access to community based and specialist services and increase their participation.

Specialised Family Violence Service - Tennant Creek

Services are tailored to the needs of each family and include; men's violence programs, children's group and counselling.

Catherine Booth House

Short term crisis accommodation, Case management and support is available for women over 18 years old. We provide outreach services including support and case management and Family Violence specific counselling for women and children, men or LGBTQI who are experiencing domestic violence.

Accommodation provided is single rooms with own bathroom, and shared kitchen area.

Housing Support Program

Supported Accommodation for young people 16-24 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Supported Accommodation for single women over the age of 25.

Backpacker Hostel

Low cost short term accommodation for backpackers and travellers.

Backpacker Hostel

Low cost short term accommodation for backpackers and travellers.

Community Information and Referral

An information and referral bureau for all services in the local Indigenous community: health, housing, law, finance, education, employment and recreation.

Sobering-Up Shelter - Katherine

The Sobering-Up Shelter provides safe, alternate accommodation where intoxicated people can be cared for until the period of acute intoxication has passed. The service promotes individual and community wellbeing by minimising the harm associated with alcohol and other substance abuse through a coordinated range of approaches.

Emergency Relief

Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women's Council provides emergency relief in the form of food, transport, fuel and power cards for Indigenous singles and families in financial distress.
