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Alcohol and Other Drugs Services Central Australia (ADSCA)

Provides treatment for drug, tobacco and alcohol issues to the Central Australian area. The service offers specialised assessment, treatment and referral for a range of alcohol and other drug use issues. Services include non-residential treatment, opioid pharmacotherapy, drug and alcohol detoxification programs and community education programs.

Emergency Relief Funds - Darwin

We help people in financial crisis by providing financial and material aid and we connect them with support services to build financial resilience and help address the underlying causes of the crisis. Assistance may include food vouchers, Food Bank vouchers and fuel vouchers.

Elders Visiting Program Support

The Elders Visiting Program Support provides an opportunity for Elders to participate in, and promote more community involvement / input into a prisoner’s preparation for release. The program provides an opportunity for Elders to emphasise ‘mediated release’ and engage with community members and, where appropriate, have those community members attend mediated discussions with the offenders, in preparation for their release and return to community.

Suicide Prevention Program Katherine

The Suicide Prevention Program develops, promotes and delivers suicide prevention activities and builds community awareness and capacity to respond to suicide and other related issues.

The program aims to improve outcomes for people at risk of suicide across Katherine, Mataranka, Binjari, Lajamanu, Barunga, Beswick, Manyallaluk, Minyerri, Kalkarindji, and Jilkminggan.

National Psychosocial Support Program Darwin

The NPS program provides a safe, supportive and welcoming environment for people living with mental illness.
Psychosocial Support is recovery focused – We believe people can recover from mental illness and lead satisfying and rewarding lives.
We work closely with individuals to identify their own unique pathway towards recovery and resilience. Through our services, we deliver a combination of practical support and guidance to help people turn their lives around.

Short Term Accommodation

For children and adults with disabilities and high support needs to have short periods of time in a home setting with peers and support staff.

Supported Independent Living

Full time person-centred support and accommodation to enable people with a disability to access and enjoy a safe, comfortable and fulfilling life in their home and in the community.

Strong Steps AOD Counselling and Information Service

Strong Steps is a free service for individuals and families experiencing issues with methamphetamine, other drugs and alcohol. Strong Steps provides counselling sessions or you can drop in and we will provide you with information. We offer flexible services in a comfortable, confidential and child friendly environment.

Orange Sky Laundry and Showers

Our mobile van provides free washing & showers for people who are homeless or in need.  For a list of service locations and times, please see the Orange Sky website:


Pandanus Program

The Pandanus - Childbirth Education & Perinatal Support service provides youth friendly  child birth education and support to pregnant young women and young couples  aged 25 years and under. Pandanus provides information, referrals, enables young people to build support networks, promotes  healthy relationships and provides one on one support and case management throughout the antenatal period and for 3 months post birth.
