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Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS)

Wurli-Wurlinjang Health Service is a health service and a specialist counselling and support service which aims to improve the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Service and support include: health service, child and maternal health, chronic disease, sexual health, eye/ear health, aged care, and counselling service .

Backpacker Hostel

Low cost short term accommodation for backpackers and travellers.

Emergency Accommodation

Yilli Housing dedicates a cabin for emergency accommodation located at Berrimah Estate. Alternatively, YiSSA short stay accommodation is also available for emergency accommodation for up to 28 days.

Transitional Housing

Yilli Rreung provides transitional housing available to people approved for Territory Housing priority housing.

Affordable Housing

Yilli Rreung provides medium to long term accommodation to singles and families located at Berrimah Estate and suburbs around Darwin and Palmerston.

Apmere Mwerre Visitor Park

Hostel and camping accommodation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Sid Ross Hostel

Sid Ross hostel caters for Indigenous people who require accommodation while accessing medical treatment. Health care can be quite a distance from rural and remote communities and this service enables patients and their family or friends with a place to stay.

Alyerre Hostel

Hostel accommodation,  Indigenous renal patients (permanent) and PATS patients (ASH only) – short term.

Ayiparinya Hostel

Ayiparinya hostel caters for Indigenous people who require accommodation at a subsidised rate where part of the fee is funded by AHL.

NT Legal Aid Commission - Palmerston

The NT Legal Aid Commission is an independent statutory Commission and provides access to the law and legal assistance to people who are unable to afford it. Advice in civil, criminal and family law matters free and available for all people in the NT. The NT Legal Aid Commission has a duty solicitor service for the Local Court and Family Law Court. Grants of legal aid funding for representation are available upon approval of a request for aid in accordance with NT Legal Aid Commission Guidelines.
