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Indigenous Youth Healing Program

An Indigenous youth healing program for disadvantaged Indigenous female and male youth at risk; who are demonstrating antisocial behaviour including offending behaviour.

Alcohol and Other Drugs Services Remote

Group programs for family members, people using alcohol and/or other drugs and for children on a needs basis.

Residential Rehabilitation Program

CAAAPU provides an 8 week residential rehabilitation program offering counselling, alcohol awareness, education, life skills and an after-care program for Aboriginal people with alcohol and other substance abuse problems.

Community Legal Service

At CAWLS we provide free and confidential legal assistance to all women in Central Australia. CAWLS also has a drop-in service for women experiencing or at risk of experiencing Domestic Violence.

We provide information and advice on a range of civil law areas including;
Domestic Violence, Child Protection, Family Law(divorce, property & children), Tenancy, Employment, Discrimination, Credit & Debt, Complaints and Victims of crime applications.

Backpacker Hostel

Low cost short term accommodation for backpackers and travellers.

CAP Money Course

Free money management course that teaches people budgeting skills and a simple, cash-based system that really works. This course will help anyone to gain more control over their finances so they can save, give and prevent debt.

Supported Accommodation

DAS Accommodation and Support Services aims to provide a range of accommodation options to consumers with intellectual disabilities and medium to low support needs to live in the least restrictive environment. DAS includes supported accommodation options for adults and young people over 16 years old with disabilities and outreach support for people living independently in the community.

Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation

FORWAARD provides alcohol and drug rehabilitation to Indigenous and non-Indigenous persons in the community. Services and support provided include: 12 week residential rehabilitation program that assists both Indigenous and non-Indigenous clients with problems associated with alcohol and other drug use, individual and group counselling, budgeting information, support with legal and health issues, family support, referral and liaison with other agencies, education and awareness programs.

Backpacker Hostel

Low cost short term accommodation for backpackers and travellers.

Legal Service

Provides legal advice for women and limited casework assistance. Community legal education and law reform activities can be provided.
